new community in LOMBARDY REGION
We have directly addressed recently a new notice to the Lombardy Region in Figure Councillor Dr. Raffaele Cattaneo sharing it with Vice-President of the Province of Bergamo, the town of Treviglio and many municipalities in Lower Bergamo explaining why 'of our position [that is inspired and pursues the logic of dialogue, not confrontation and Score].
Highlighting the features of our proposal:
• That self-restraint and balance required to meet the needs of all travelers and commuters in the province of Bergamo in a minimum threshold is not lowered (that's why 'minimum) only to try to overcome the logic of opposition that there should be because we're not talking about a service private provision for a private but a service provided by a private provider in order to pursue a public interest and its social
• utility to pursue a 'social high of civilizations' and civic sense. Trevor West and 'Interpol or the only station railway junction Treviglio able to provide access to disabled people. In the Central Station we can begin to imagine (not prosecute) a target of this kind in the more 'early in 2013
• to improve on equal' quality 'of service (and, therefore, rolling stock and infrastructure made available), the conditions of travel on all trains passing through the East Quadrant Node / Interpol Treviglio giving the chance to 'have a better distribution of passenger-train per train and report.
• That improving mobility 'Quadrant and the Province of Bergamo, where he currently is trying to speed up improvement with low differential mobility' in Bergamo penalized accordingly with the exponential differential Bergamo Bassa and all areas that revolve around relationships Milan-Venice and Milan-Cremona.
• to pursue an improvement in the "economy '" train the report Milan - Bergamo for a better and more 'organic supply distribution.
We also specified that the proposed minimum, that 'the stop 28 on the 52 existing trains, can' be considered valid only if the current service levels should not be less (if not all should be revised). At the same time we expressed a deep regret that, for the first time, we were not invited to the meeting of July 30, 2010, where he has illustrated the potential cuts to rail service that could bring the Lombardy Region. If this is not 'a mistake we are facing a bad example of shared participation of citizens to an institutional.
Committee commuters from Lower Bergamo
all a Happy and Sunny August!
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