Monday, July 5, 2010

Squash Courts Nyc For Public

the opposition meeting held at the town of TREVIGLIO AND THE PROVINCE OF BERGAMO


meetings scheduled with the Mayor Ariella Borghi and Vice President of the Province of Bergamo Dr . Capetti Giuliano occurred. The meetings were related to the proposal that was presented in a formal and institutional framework through the Province of Bergamo and the town of Treviglio (representing also the municipalities of Lower Bergamo) in the Lombardy Region and the relatively TreniItalia Treviglio railway junction and the project schedule, for the part that concerns him. After highlighting the last meeting of the Dial, that the proposal was no longer bound 'by technical aspects, but by political considerations, born in 2008 and still continuing, and' was necessary to take stock of the situation to renew the 'idea of \u200b\u200ba return to a more' balanced exercise of the functions of service to the Territory that are managed by Mobility 'and infrastructure in general and specifically in the service of mobility' rail within the railway junction at Treviglio. From this need arise in the last days of meetings in June, where the Mayor of Treviglio and it 'did channeler of the needs of municipalities in Lower Bergamo and "trait d'union" with the Province and the Vice-President and Councillor for the Road' and Transportation Giuliano Capetti, with the same role at the Lombardy Region, and is' the promoter of dialogue and sharing of common objectives sharp contrast to the position of the Committee of commuters Bergamo (CPB) have more recently expressed in a meeting with the representative of the City of Bergamo, Councillor Dr. Raymond D'Avanzo. That's because 'although the meeting had to covered a very specific topic, not related to the railway junction of Bergamo, the town of Bergamo and 'have been invited as a guest. During the meeting in the Province, the Committee has submitted following this policy of dialogue, a "draft" of a possible technical solution to stop West in Treviglio. The minimum bid would enable it to supplement an efficient and rational traveling on the rail in Treviglio railway junction and improve the condition of unease that the political decision in 2008, developed under the administration Bettoni, created to mobilize 'Lower Bergamo and Province of Bergamo. In fact, to meet this legitimate request is to improve mobility ' throughout the provinces and cities' in Bergamo itself with social and business impacts evident. He had a clear testimony and proof in real time, for example, the gatherings of mountain where the collaboration within the area of \u200b\u200bmobility 'and in general, gave a clear signal of what should be the way forward both in the normal management and in the management of major events (thinking Expo). The proposal calls for the substance to stop the train exists at least fifty and no less (that's 'cause we talk about minimum bid) half'. This 'what' s even been presented to Dr. D'Avanzo, who presented and exhibited consegnatoli the document by the Committee of commuters Bergamo (CPB). The need expressed at the meeting and the final 'then overcome divisions inappropriate and visions close to serving all citizens of the Province of Bergamo and present a common and unified position in the Lombardy Region.

The Committee commuters from Lower Bergamo


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