Sunday, December 13, 2009

Smoked Weed With My Therapist


COMMITTEE MEETING December 16, 2009 and updates

As you can read in the previous post titled ( . html) and 'added an important element within phase of the project completion time in the railway junction Treviglio (Trevor West and Central Africa) and, in general, what 's called Dial East and relations through it.

commuters from Lower Bergamo, the Committee continues its work according to the strategy that has characterized so far: Spirit of cooperation, respect for all parties involved, the creation of Global Solutions, strategically and technically consistent / valid see all users, travelers, commuters and citizens of the Province and aldifuori the same on the same floor (no claim or create situations of privilege within a city ', a part Province or aldifuori). We are ready to extend our strategic and technical expertise to those who request it, but always in compliance with these principles that we believe fundamentals.

On December 16, 2009 will organize a meeting open to all those who are interested, with the participation of the Mayor of Treviglio and all representatives of local authorities who wish to intervene:

Find Printable manifest within our area dedicated to Events and History Committee PdBB
( ).

This meeting will be 'an important and dedicated to another principle we believe in, the sharing of ideas. We wait.

Collecting Signatures
Please note that the collection of signatures for sharing and support of the proposed variation to the project schedule continues. If you can help us collect signatures and delivered or simply word of mouth, we thank you.

Poll Blog
The poll on our official blog and 'closed on 12 December 2009 with the following result: out of 93 expressions of votes, 92 were positive (98%), 1 against (1%). Thanks!

We decided to reopen until at least February 28, 2010, Feast of Our Lady of Tears.

Official Blog and Facebook Group PLEASE, if you want
We decided to use the blog and facebook differently.
To give value to the Committee we invite you to subscribe, in addition to the mailing list, also:

December 13, 2009 and the Committee of Lower Bergamo commuters

Saint Lucia in All Good!


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