Sunday, December 14, 2008

May's Breasts Pokemon

From January "Case against X Factor"

Processo a X Factor @ Davide Maggio .it

Do not tell Maria De Filippi, who also X Factor is about to adopt a special in day time. When? But on Saturday afternoon, of course.

The trio of rejuvenation seems ready to give marching orders to friends, even in daytime. From next January , in fact, in place of the unfortunate (but very appreciated) Scalo 76, the afternoon Raidue be monopolized, the music, but the scepter would pass to the new challenge of Ventura, Gori and Marano.

E 'was found in Saturday afternoon of the second network Viale Mazzini, the ideal location for Trial factor X, a new program in which investigate, criticize, analyze and assess the rising stars of Italian music XFactor that aims to bring to the fore. A talk "friccicarello" in which opinion leaders, relatives and friends of the "star in the making" will be free to give vent to their considerations of post-directed on Monday night.

The start is probably set for Saturday, January 17, on the second network RAI.

Curiosity is quite remarkable. The afternoon is infarcirà version of telerisse rising share? Expire a little 'trash in the typical direct neighbor across? But above all succeed in the difficult Mona Our company to beat the talent show Maria D 'Miracles?



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