Saturday 23 Stage at the Cus Torino Danza
Saturday, January 23 there will be the first stage of Tango Argentino in 2010 in the large hall of the headquarters of Cus via Braccini 1.
Hours: 14:00 to 16:00
P rincipianti
The course is specially designed for beginners and will work investigating and practicing all the topics covered so far: walk, weight changes, basic step, salida Crusade, and around 8 forward.
16:00 to 18:00 Intermediate-Advanced
The work will be set to the style milonguero sull'abbraccio and closed. The cost is
€ 14 per person enrolled Cus, € 16 for non-members.
You sign up in pairs and are limited: a maximum of 20 pairs.
E 'compulsory to wear sneakers or tango with salvatacco.
Membership: 339 6416241
patrizia.presta @